Terms of Use

This Terms of Use Agreement governs your use of this website and creates a legal agreement between you and preceptordiary.com (“Preceptor Diary”). If you do not agree and accept without modification the notices and terms and conditions set forth herein, do not use this website.

Our Terms of Use Agreement includes PreceptorDiary’s Privacy Policy, located at https://preceptordiary.com/privacy-policy/, which is incorporated into this Agreement by reference and, therefore, also governs your visit to the College Search Database website.

Intellectual Property

All material on or available through this website, including text, data, images, and illustrations, (collectively, the “Material”) is protected by U.S. and international copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws, and is owned, controlled, or licensed by PreceptorDiary. Unauthorized copying, republishing, reproduction, downloading, uploading, posting, transmitting, or duplicating the material, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. Provided that you agree to and accept without modification the notices, terms and conditions outlined in these Terms of Use Agreement. PreceptorDiary grants you a personal, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-transferable license to visit, view, and retain a copy of pages of this website for your own personal, non-commercial use only.

You may not modify, copy (except as outlined in the preceding sentence), distribute, transmit, reproduce, display, perform, publish, create derivative works from, license or sublicense, assign, or otherwise transfer this license or any of the Material or any information, material, software, products or services from this website.

You may not link to or frame the Material, the website, or any portion thereof, for any purpose unless specifically authorized in writing by Preceptor Diary provided that nothing herein grants you any license, express or implied, to use any of Preceptor Diary’s federal or common-law trademarks except as such trademarks may be embedded in the link itself.

Moreover, you may not visit or use the website to appropriate PreceptorDiary’s trademarks or trade dress and/or to copy or imitate the “look and feel” of the website, or any portions thereof, for any reason.

How to Reference or Cite PreceptorDiary

Referencing means acknowledging the source(s) you used when writing a document. Not referencing is called plagiarism and in some cases, you might even be guilty of copyright infringement.

Limited use (up to 200 words) of the material found at PreceptorDiary.com is free for non-commercial purposes (teaching materials, student essays, work assignments, reports, dissertations, etc.), provided that copyright is acknowledged and a reference or link is included.

If in any doubt, you can always contact us.

How to Reference PreceptorDiary.com
In most cases you can reference (or link if you publish the material online) our homepage, PreceptorDiary.com.

If you have found a specific page helpful then it’s recommended to link directly to that page.

Partner and Third-party Websites

PreceptorDiary partners with a range of other websites. Notwithstanding the foregoing, for your convenience, this website may reference or link to other third-party websites throughout the Web (“Third-Party Websites”).

PreceptorDiary has no control over Third-Party Websites or the content found on Third-Party websites. As such, PreceptorDiary does not guarantee, represent, or warrant that the content contained on such Third-Party Websites is accurate, legal, and/or inoffensive.

This Terms of Use Agreement does not extend to your use of Third-Party Websites, and your use of Third-Party Websites is solely at your own risk and discretion.

By using the PreceptorDiary website to search for or link to Third-Party Websites, you fully understand and agree that you may not make any claim against PreceptorDiary for any damages or losses, whatsoever, resulting from your use of the PreceptorDiary’s website to obtain search results or to link to Third-Party Websites.

User content

Users of our site can submit content for publication in various areas of our site. You will be deemed to consent to these guidelines, and these terms and conditions, if you choose to post any content or comments to our site.

When you submit content to us, you agree and represent that you have created that content, or you have received permission from, or are authorized by, the owner of any part of the content to submit it to our site.

By submitting content to us, you are granting us an unconditional, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, fully transferable, perpetual worldwide license to use, publish and transmit, and to authorize third parties to use, publish and/or transmit your content in any format and on any platform.

We, or authorized third parties, reserve the right to modify, edit, or refuse to publish, your content at our or their sole discretion. We may remove your content from use at any time.

You acknowledge and agree that when you post content to our site or view content provided by others, you are doing so at your discretion and risk, including any reliance on the accuracy, or completeness, of that content.

We accept no liability in respect of any content submitted by users and published by us or by authorised third parties.

Violations of Our Terms

Violations of this Terms of Use Agreement, including unauthorized use of this website, may be investigated and appropriate legal action may be taken, including civil, criminal, and injunctive redress. You agree that monetary damages may not provide a sufficient remedy to PreceptorDiary for violations of these Terms of Use Agreement, and you consent to injunctive or other equitable relief for such violations.

You understand and agree that in PreceptorDiary’s sole discretion and for any reason whatsoever, or no reason, and without prior notice, PreceptorDiary may terminate your access to the website.

Claims of Infringement

PreceptorDiary respects the intellectual property of others. By the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”), the text of which may be found on the U.S. Copyright Office website at https://www.copyright.gov/legislation/dmca.pdf, PreceptorDiary will respond expeditiously to notices of alleged copyright infringement that are reported to us.

If you believe your content has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, or your intellectual property rights have been otherwise violated, please report to us your claim using our contact page.

While PreceptorDiary considers all such notices seriously, you may be liable for damages (including costs and attorneys’ fees) if you materially misrepresent that content or activity is infringing.


Your use of this website is solely at your own risk. This website, and everything on this website (information, functionality, search results, content, data, etc.), is provided as is without warranty of any kind, either express or implied.

PreceptorDiary specifically disclaims all warranties and conditions of any kind, including all the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, or non-infringement. Without limitation, PreceptorDiary makes no warranties or representation that the website will be error-free or uninterrupted, that defects will be corrected, or that this website or its server are or will be free of viruses or other harmful components.

In addition, PreceptorDiary makes no warranties or representations regarding the use or results of the use of the content on this website. You understand and agree that applicable law may not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusion may not apply to you.

The information on PreceptorDiary.com is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for competent professional advice. The information and materials provided are general in nature, and may not apply to a specific factual circumstance – details may be left out which would make the advice unsuitable in your case.


You will defend, indemnify, and hold PreceptorDiary or its agents harmless from your use of and access to the website; (your violation of any of these Terms of Use Agreement; your violation of any third-party right including any copyright, trademark, trade dress, trade secret, or privacy right of content available on the Website. This defense and indemnification obligation will survive this Terms of Use Agreement and your use of the website.

Limitation of Liability

In no event will PreceptorDiary or its agents be liable for any indirect, special, consequential, incidental, or punitive damages arising out of your access to, or use of, this website or the content or materials therein, whether in a contract action or based on negligence, or other tort action, or any other claim whatsoever, even if PreceptorDiary has been advised of the possibility of such damages? Applicable law may not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability or incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. In no event will PreceptorDiary’s total liability to you for all damages, losses, and causes of action, whether in contract, tort, negligence, or otherwise, exceed the amount paid by you, if any, in accessing this website.

Affiliate Disclosure

PreceptorDiary.com makes money on some products and services that are talked about on this website through affiliate relationships with the merchants in question. That in no way affects our opinion of those products and services.

If you have questions, please contact PreceptorDiary using our Contact page.