How To Request Time Off From Your PhD Advisor

When you’re pursuing a PhD, you may need to request time off from your advisor. It could be for personal reasons, health issues, or other important matters. Whatever the reason, it’s crucial to handle this request with care and professionalism. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to effectively communicate with your PhD advisor when requesting time off.

How to request time off from your PhD advisor

Many students are tempted to ask their supervisor for leave. I have many friends who have seen no vacations during the entire PhD because their supervisors are very strict. But if you explain well, you will get leave. This article details all the strategies that I personally follow. I have also given you the mail I wrote to the supervisor. These will be useful for you. Let’s get started. 

Before sending an email or making a phone call, schedule a face-to-face meeting with your advisor. Meeting in person allows for clearer communication and shows respect for their time. It also gives you the chance to discuss your request openly and address any concerns your advisor may have.

When you meet with your advisor, be honest and transparent about why you need time off. Whether it’s for personal health reasons, family obligations, or another important matter, clearly explain the situation. Help your advisor understand the impact of your absence on your research and academic progress.

Along with explaining the reason for your request, provide a detailed plan for how you’ll manage your workload during your absence. Show that you’ve thought carefully about how to keep your research on track and meet any deadlines. This demonstrates your accountability and commitment to your work.

After your meeting, follow up with a formal written request. Keep your request polite, concise, and professional. Include all the necessary details, such as the dates of your absence and how you plan to handle your responsibilities during that time. Here’s an example:

How to request time off from your PhD advisor sample

Dear [Advisor’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to discuss the possibility of taking some time off from my research duties from [start date] to [end date]. The reason for my request is [briefly explain reason].

During my absence, I have developed a plan to ensure that my research progresses smoothly. This plan includes [briefly outline your plan]. I believe this approach will minimize any disruption to our ongoing projects.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to discussing this further with you.


[Your Name]

In your request, offer solutions to minimize the impact of your absence. This could include delegating tasks to colleagues, rescheduling meetings or experiments, or providing detailed instructions for anyone covering your responsibilities. By offering solutions, you show your willingness to collaborate and maintain productivity despite your absence.

After sending your request, follow up with your advisor to ensure they received it and address any questions or concerns they may have. Stay proactive and responsive throughout the process to demonstrate your commitment to finding a solution that works for everyone.

Finally, respect your advisor’s decision, even if it’s not what you had hoped for. Remember that your advisor has your best interests in mind and is working to support your academic and professional growth. Approach their decision with professionalism and a willingness to collaborate on finding alternatives if needed.

Final Thoughts

Requesting time off from your PhD advisor can be a nerve-wracking experience, but with careful planning and communication, it can be a smooth process. Remember to be honest, respectful, and proactive in your communication with your advisor. By handling the request professionally, you can maintain a positive relationship with your advisor while ensuring that your needs are met.