The Most Common Classroom Mistakes | A Guide for Educators

I am a teacher myself, and from my experience of the last 8 to 9 years, I understand how difficult it is to manage a classroom as a teacher. Early in my teaching career, I made many mistakes, especially when teaching students in class. I found it quite a challenge to keep them under control.

I had many senior colleagues who gave me a lot of advice. What happens in the classroom when you do, and what you don’t? I realized after some time, as a teacher, I was making some mistakes in the classroom due to which I was not able to take good classes.

As a teacher, I have prepared this article with the important knowledge I have learned through my mistakes and experience. Where I will try to show you, the most common classroom mistakes as a teacher. I will also give you some solutions which will be useful in your career. But let’s get started.

What is classroom management?

First, we will know what classroom management is. Simply put, classroom management is about creating an environment in the classroom where the teacher and the students both benefit. It means that the purpose of the lesson is fully achieved. And the central character of this management is the teacher.

Importance of classroom management

If you make mistakes in classroom management then you will not establish yourself as a good teacher. So you should be highly conscious about managing your class because you play a vital role here. It’s also important for your career progress in the future as a good teacher. On the other hand, a well-managed class helps the student to take lessons easily. So now, It can be said that classroom management is essential for both students and teachers.

Signs of poor classroom management

Your students talk among themselves. They do not remain calm after being instructed to remain calm. They continue to argue with you. Etc. and many other things are signs of poor class management.

Signs of a well-managed classroom

The characteristic of a well-managed classroom is that students listen attentively to the teacher. That is, the students will listen like a charmer and act accordingly. Students will complete each assignment on time given by their teacher and submit it to the class. Students will not talk to each other unnecessarily. You will understand them as they understand you.

The most common classroom mistakes by a teacher

Now we will know about the mistakes done by that teachers usually make in the classroom. Knowing these will help you understand how to manage your class.

The first mistake you make in your classroom is not having the right relationship with the students. There should be interaction with the students during class time. This communication process will act as a bridge between you and your students. If the teacher does not follow this process students will be inattentive to learning anything. This will defeat the purpose of the class. So communication is like a tool for the teacher. That can start from the classroom to the student’s personal life.

A common mistake many teachers make is not organizing a random class properly. I mean you arrange the classroom by seating your students properly. I am not talking about material things like chairs tables, etc. What I mean is to seat the students who are sitting randomly. After that arrange your teaching materials properly and start the class. Don’t just walk into the class and start taking the class. Start the class by understanding the class environment.

If you fail to understand the basic needs of the students in the classroom, they will not pay attention to your class. For example, the students in the class have been sitting for a long time. Then naturally they will become impatient. In such a situation start the main class after some time has passed by doing something entertaining for them. Apart from this, you should also pay attention to going to the bathroom frequently, whether you are hungry or not.

engaging all students

In many cases, teachers do not include all students in their classes for all activities. They work with special sort-out students. It is a wrong move, especially for a teacher. Yes, not everyone works with equal efficiency. But you have to make sure that every student has the opportunity to participate and contribute.

You do not have an action plan for taking a class. Then it’s sure that you are not going down the right path. It is a great mistake as a teacher. You need an action plan for the next day’s class. There is no alternative way to do this. This created action plan should be followed in the classroom.

If you can’t enforce rules in the classroom, you don’t have class control. Some rigor can be imposed here if necessary. You can set a rule for your class. To make it easier for students to understand what they can and cannot do. This is very important if you want to have good classroom management.

Trying to be students’ friends, rather than their teacher

Many teachers make the mistake that, they are not students’ friends, they are teachers. This is a wrong approach in the classroom. You have to bring out the best outcome in them like friends. Because the students are getting friendly support from you which will start their best work. As a result, class management will also be good.

I have seen many teachers do not pay attention to the class time, this is a mistake that almost all teachers do in class. As a result of which they cannot complete the lessons in the specified time. So it is better to talk less out of context. You can finish the class by keeping your schedule.

If you can’t do consequences and behavior management tips correctly in class activities then you are doing it wrong. You focus on managing your behavior toward the students. If the behavior is too tight, it will not work very well. On the other hand, it will not be too soft. You have to find a middle ground and manage the class.

If you are not keeping up with the lesson in class then you are doing it wrong. So you have to go through a series of bridging between the lessons of yesteryear and the lessons of today’s.

educational materials in the classroom

If you are not using engaging learning materials in the classroom, then start today. It is a great mistake not to use educational materials in the lesson. Nowadays there are many benefits available digitally for students. You can also make your own.


A classroom will only be good and organized when both the teacher and the students do their work properly. As teachers, our mistakes happen in the classroom. But remember teachers lack positive support and resources. If they are given correctly, their work in the classroom will be correct, and the number of mistakes will be reduced. Students will also learn with joy and love.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Why is correcting mistakes important as a teacher?

If you want to be a good and professional teacher, then you need to correct the mistakes in your classroom. It is good for your future profession. Moreover, you need to modify it to stay in the student’s mind.

Who is responsible for doing a well-managed classroom?

For this primarily the teacher is responsible, and the management authorities are also responsible at the same time. Because they ensure facilities.

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