How to Start Master’s After a Long Gap?

It is a matter of considering how to start a master’s degree after a long gap. However, obtaining a degree after a long time can be challenging but not impossible. Let me first make it clear that age is not a barrier to studying.

It doesn’t matter why you took so long to pursue your master’s degree. Universities do not create any obstacles for you in this regard. So don’t hold yourself back.

Anyway, here are the strategies you can follow to pursue your master’s degree. Since you have been out of study for a long time, it may be a little difficult to get back to your study routine initially.

This is due to a lack of habit, but it only matters if you have patience and desire. For this reason, you have to take some steps (strategies). Following these will hopefully help you in obtaining your master’s degree.

The strategy on how to start a master’s degree after a long gap

First, let me tell you that the following techniques I am sharing with you have been applied in my case. Because I was very hesitant when I got admission to a Master’s course for the second time. Within a few days, I was having a lot of trouble balancing work and studies.

Here is a summary of how I managed it. So this article can be said to be written based on real experience. Anyway, let’s get started.

Make a proper study plan

You need to create a good study plan. That will be your solid foundation. Remember, this is your one to two-year plan, so put some thought into making it. Many will say that planning does not work. I say so too. But you must understand that there is a difference between unplanned work and planned work.

Make a proper study plan

Now let’s see what you can include in your plan:

  • What will be your study routine?
  • Which days will you dedicate to studying?
  • What days of the week will you attend classes?
  • Decide which days of the week you will set aside for writing assignments and papers, etc.

Find the right master’s program

Many who enroll in master’s programs after a hiatus end up choosing the wrong subject. So here you have to act wisely. Here are some things you should consider before enrolling in a master’s program. It’s better if your experience is related to your job. Those who have not worked can choose a subject of their interest. If necessary, discuss it with someone senior to you.

After selecting your course, choosing the right university or college is important. Because many colleges will burden you unnecessarily. So my suggestion is to discuss it with a senior or directly talk to the professor online. Then you will learn some important details.

Remember your professional experience

As mentioned earlier, work experience is crucial for your master’s application. Perhaps you have already worked for several years, and a master’s degree will be very beneficial for your job advancement. Many pursue it solely for promotion. Those without work experience but with relevant business experience should choose a master’s subject based on that experience. Otherwise, learning may not be enjoyable.

Follow Your Dreams

If your master’s course aligns with your dreams, it will be a positive factor for you. Many pursue their master’s in related subjects for their dream job. However, the main thing is to align the subject with your current job and pursue a master’s degree.

Balance your job and study

This point is crucial because if you do not strike a balance between your work and studies, it will be difficult for you to complete the course. I know many people who have stumbled here. So you need to devise a strong plan. Work and study should be balanced properly. In this case, the help of your boss will be useful, as you may need to take leave in many cases.

Don’t Be Afraid

In many cases, it is said not to be afraid to tackle any task. Here, I am saying to yourself, don’t be afraid to pursue your master’s degree. So I would say no matter what age you are, whether above 30 or 40, it’s not a big deal. The real thing is to work hard and complete the course like an active student.


I may have been able to guide you through the above discussion. Now, the topic is how to start a master’s degree after a long gap. In short, you should make a plan keeping the above points in mind and act accordingly.

After a few months, you will find everything easier to manage. After two years, you will receive your degree certificate. Then, come to my site and leave a comment. Thank you all. Feel free to share the information of the post if you think it is necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is 30 too old to start a Master’s?

The fact is that it doesn’t matter. If you want to pursue a master’s, you can do it at any age. You may know Anneke, who was 30 when she started her career. So there is no need to think that it is too late to pursue a Master’s.

What is the typical age range for individuals completing their Master’s degrees?

From what I have seen and know as a teacher, most students pursue their master’s between 25 and 27 years of age. But the average age is 25 years.

Should I get a master’s degree at age 50?

Whether to pursue a master’s degree at age 50 depends on your needs, whether job-related or personal. However, I don’t think it should be done impulsively because it involves study and hard work. Therefore, consider your needs carefully.

Suggested read: list of undergraduate courses in USA.