How Do You Manage Your Study Time When You Have a Part-time Job?

Students who have to work part-time alongside their studies often face difficulties. However, it is wise to accept that there will be challenges in student life. Those of you who are studying alongside your job have to work harder than others.

Although it can be challenging, the experience gained is invaluable for the future. So, instead of becoming too disheartened, know some wise tips and follow them. Only then can you manage these difficult tasks and move forward.

I remember when I was a student; I had to go through this experience. I was quite disappointed in the beginning, but many of my seniors helped me to overcome these issues. In this article, I will share some of my experiences and techniques that I followed and found effective. But let’s get started.

How to Balance Work and Study

It is essential to understand how to balance your job and studies, a topic I’ll delve into throughout my talk. For that, I am sharing below 10 points for you. I hope those who read these points carefully will have no doubts about this. So let’s start with the first one.

Create a schedule for balancing work.

It is important to plan when and how to work and study. Allocating time to work will increase your chances of getting things done. When you combine work and study, you need to take this matter seriously. Because if you schedule well, you can manage all aspects well.

Prioritize your tasks.

It’s important to understand what to do first and what to do next. Because everyone can create a schedule, but it is not final. You need to understand which task you need to focus on at the moment and organize it accordingly. I didn’t care much about this at first, but with experience, I realized that I had trouble prioritizing my work.

A book that helped me a lot to understand this task is Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” The book will surely help you.

Use your spare time wisely.

All students have free time. But what matters is how they use the time. During this time, you can do your important essays and journal work. But I’m not saying you shouldn’t go out with friends. You will do that, but less or moderately. And thus, you can spend your free time wisely.

Avoid distractions.

Avoid distractions

Since you have to adhere to a tight schedule, my suggestion for you is to minimize distractions as much as possible. You should set rules for yourself. For example: How long will I spend on social media, when will I use my mobile phone, etc.?

Create to-do lists.

Creating to-do lists will be very beneficial for you. It can help a lot in reducing distractions. You will see great people manage their time using this method. So if you want to do your work and study properly, this to-do list will keep you on the right track.

So my suggestion for you is to do this every day before going to sleep. Currently, some apps on your smartphone will help you do this. You can try using Google Calendar.

Take breaks.

Take breaks

A common thing is to take some time off between your work. Many people ignore it. Taking a break between tasks will increase your motivation. As you study, you will see using the Pomodoro Method. Take a short break every hour during work. It can be 10 minutes or 5 minutes. But don’t let it be a distraction.

Take care of your health.

The simple thing is that if your health is not good, you will not be able to do your work or study well. Sick people can never achieve great things. Don’t be afraid to dream big. So you need to focus on complete wellness.

My suggestion for you is to consider the following three points. Many people will talk a lot, but not everything is true. So I am sharing three points with you from my experience. If you follow them properly, you will stay healthy.

Food: If your diet is not right, assume that your health will deteriorate. Avoid canned and fast food as much as possible.

Sleep: Sleep is very important. Go to bed at 10 pm every night if possible. Or at your convenience. But you should ensure 6 to 7 hours of sleep.

Exercise: For this, you can practice it during college classes. If not, you can play any game even if it is 30 minutes daily. But don’t fall into the trap of bodybuilding.

Prioritize your studies.

There is no need to state this point separately. But why I highlighted this point because I have seen many students make mistakes here.

I have seen this in many of my students who give less importance to their studies. On the other hand, they give more importance to their job. The advice for you is that you don’t. Always remember to study for your job, not study for the job.

If there is a problem with the job, change it if necessary and find a different job.

Maintain a relationship with your employer.

Since you are working part-time, as a result, your job is convenient, must have a good relationship with the boss. Because it will help you a little because of your studies.

Follow a daily routine.

You need to get into the habit of working according to your daily routine. It will help you to do all the work on time. Find a place to sit quietly to create this routine. Because everyone’s work style is different, their routines will also be different. However, a routine is essential to strike a good balance.


Do you want to do well in every aspect of student life? Also want to do a part-time job. Then follow the above tips and techniques well. But here you have to remember that it will not be easy for you at first, it will gradually become a habit. Then things will be easy.

So don’t waste time and get to work. Good luck! If you have any questions, you can email me.