How Can I Be a Good And Talented Student?

When I was a student at college, I often thought about how to be a good student in my class. Then I understood that it is not a hidden treasure. My teacher helped me to become a talented student. He provided me with a book on it.

Finally, I came to know that it was not difficult for me to overcome my limitations. After many years passed, I gained a lot of experience in the techniques that work to be a talented student.

Many people think that talent comes from God. It’s true, but you can try by yourself to become a good student, and it is now in your hands. Okay, friends.

Although I saw a lot of my friends who have no god-gifted extraordinary skills, they just work properly and follow a lot of techniques.

But here you should remember that these techniques may come from your experience or your senior talented students or teachers.

Today, I am just going to share some of the study techniques that I acquired from my experience, with teachers, and senior students. By the way, you can also follow the techniques. Let’s get started.

How do I become a good and talented student?

To follow the techniques that I am going to share with you may not work for you. Because I saw many students of mine who say they follow the below points. But actually, they did not. So if this works for you, follow it appropriately. Okay.

1. Set up a realistic goal for study

You know, a goal is important for any success. So you should set up a goal. This goal should be realistic. It’s important for your study. When you set up an unachievable goal, your brain may be distracted from that work.

I am just putting an example for you so that you understand what I mean. Example: When you set up to study a book for the whole night.

It may be an unrealistic goal. The realistic goal is to break your time to finish the book. It will take time, not finish it within a night. Many students lose their studies for this reason. So you should be careful about it. On the other hand, some goals should be long-term and some short. It should also be remembered when you set up a goal.

2. Avoid procrastinating and limit wasting time

At present, procrastination is a vital problem for students. So first of all, what is procrastination? It is simple to understand when you learn something, your mind says let’s check Facebook notifications, then you go to Messenger and check your friends’ messages.

Avoid procrastinating and Limit wasting time

Here you break your concentration. So if you want to be a good and talented student, you should avoid procrastination. You should control yourself as a strong person. For your help, I mention here some points you should follow:

  • Don’t play unnecessary video games.
  • Don’t watch films for a long time even with your friends.
  • Avoid social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.).
  • Don’t take part in unnecessary gossip with your friends.
  • Don’t watch TV for unnecessary TV shows.

Please don’t misunderstand me. I mention the point for a certain moment, okay? You can do these when you are on vacation or free time. But don’t do that in your main study schedule. I think you understand it.

3. Follow your study schedule strictly

When you are on a study schedule, you should strictly follow it. Because it helps you to follow a healthy learning balance. On the other hand, your studies are going to a good position. So focus on it.

4. Follow a Healthy Lifestyle

Many students follow other techniques but health is important for your student life. If you want to be a good student, you should follow the below tips.

Follow a Healthy Lifestyle as a student

Proper Sleep

Sleep is important for physical and mental health. So don’t waste time at night. Just go to bed between 10 to 11 PM and wake up at 5 a.m. or 6 a.m. Don’t break this sleep pattern.

You should follow 7-8 hours per night. It will help you to do hard work at study. Don’t forget the morning routine is very important for your studying. It will help you a lot.

Meditation for relaxation

Doing meditation will help you to get a lot of peace of mind. It’s not mandatory to do it regularly. You can follow a weekly schedule. But when you follow it in a day, you should do it twice, in the morning and before going to bed.

Food and nutrition

Take healthy food for good health. Don’t take unnecessary drinks and fast food. Follow a balanced diet to get benefits. You can go to Google and research on it. This is the easy way for you.


Regular exercise is beneficial, so here you should follow some tips like going to a college Gym. You can take part in different competitions in your college.

5. Don’t miss your class at any cost

If you are irregular in your academic class, then it will be very difficult for you to establish yourself as a good student. Many professors don’t like it, so don’t miss your class. If you do, you might miss some important topics for your exam. So be conscious of this.

6. Your study place should be perfect

Your study place is important for your concentration. The wrong place doesn’t help you to execute your study plan properly. Because if you choose a noisy place, then your concentration must break.

On the other hand, your bedroom should not be your study room because the bedroom should be used for relaxation and sleep purposes. If you use the bedroom as a study room, then your study may be relaxed for the bed. So remember two things.

  • Don’t study in a noisy place.
  • Avoid using the bedroom as a study room.

I have a tip here to overcome the problem of a noisy place, but it is not the ultimate solution. It may work. That is when you study in a noisy place, you should use headphones but not listen to music or other things. Just use it to block out the sound.

But one thing is important which is studying in the library works awesome. I tried it many times. It just works awesomely. You may use the library for study when you are in college.

7. Take a break while you study

A short break gives you so much enthusiasm because when you get a rest or nap, then your brain gets rest. It’s important for your study for a long time. I follow the Pomodoro system for my long period of study.

By the way, when you take a break, then you should ensure that it does not take too much time. Here Pomodoro will help you with break time management. Lots of apps are now available in the Google Play Store on Pomodoro time management.

I have an excellent tip here for your break time management. And that is when you get a break, the break time should not be spent thinking about the study topic.

You should do a completely separate activity during break time. It is very effective for resting your brain. I learned this system from my PhD professor. Thanks to him for this extraordinary tip.

8. Improve your skills

Skill is important because when you acquire skill, your word performance surely goes ahead. I try to achieve the following skills. It is not so hard to achieve and it’s not necessary to be accurate. You can also try to follow them for as long as possible.

Skill-01: Good Note Taker

In my college life, I learned an excellent lesson that a good note-taker never loses. For my study, it works because your teacher gives you a lot of information in class. This information helps you understand the topic.

However, being a good note-taker is not an easy task; it may be a habit for many students. I think so. Here I have a good suggestion: take your notes with short-form sentences.

Example:winter vacation places in the USA” to “win vac USA“. The example is for one sentence; you can use it for important information, not for all information, okay?

Skill-02: Improve Your Vocabulary

Vocabulary helps you increase your writing style. It also helps you understand any topic from any book. Increasing vocabulary is a continuous process. Reading books can help you increase your vocabulary.

Skill-03: Use Mind Maps to Understand Any Topic

Mind maps are a great way to understand any difficult topic. I suggest this technique for PhD students and all levels. Here, I’ll give you an example of how the mind-mapping system works. You will get an idea and decorate it in your way.

Use Mind Maps to Understand Any Topic

Skill-04: Be Organized in Your Life

A good student is not only excellent in studying and grades. He or she also excels in organizing his or her personal life. In which sector he or she should focus on. I’ve just listed some here for you to get a good idea.

  • Pack your class books, notebooks, pens, and other things the night before you go to class.
  • Organize your class notes in separate folders; it will help you find the information you need at the right time.
  • Use a day planner or weekly planner to manage your work on time.
  • Schedule time to hang out with friends and go to the gym during the week.
  • Keep your study essentials in a separate place at home so that you can find them at the right time.

Skill-05: Improve Your Writing Skills

Writing skills are very important if you want to become a good and talented student. You should write regularly, especially when you study. I suggest that if you want to develop your writing skills, you should read a lot, whether it’s a book or blog posts online.

This skill will not come to you overnight; it needs dedication and lots of time to achieve. So don’t be upset; try continuously.

9. Ask questions in class

Your teacher will be happy when you ask questions about the topic. So don’t feel shy about asking any questions. It’s important for your study.

10. Review your class notes

Many students ignore this part; they do not revise their class notes. When you have free time, take the opportunity to review your notes. It is an excellent way to study any notes.

11. Do Your Homework on Time

When you do not do any homework, you will lag behind other students. So if you want to become a good student, you must do your homework, and you must do it as early as possible. Don’t delay here.

12. Be a Good Friend

Here I mean that you need to build a good relationship with your professor because he will help and support your study. On the other hand, you also need to build relationships with other diligent students in your class.


Finally, I say to you that there is no accurate way to become a good and talented student. It’s very individual. For this reason, I mention some tips and techniques for you. But at the end of the day, your life is yours, so build your strategy, and you can follow my strategy to build that.

If you find any good working tips by reading this blog post, you can share them with your best friends. Good luck! Thanks for reading.